Update on shorebird use of the newly restored Giacomini wetlands: report prepared for the Point Reyes National Seashore


Condeso, T. E., Kelly, J. P.

Publication Date:
Jan 2010

Audubon Canyon Ranch has monitored shorebird use on Tomales Bay since 1989. After the levees in the Giacomini restoration area were breeched last October, we expanded our shorebird count areas to include the newly restored Giacomini Wetlands. As most of the shorebird use in the bay is by winter residents, ACR’s monitoring program focuses on obtaining intensive estimates of winter shorebird abundance. ACR also tracks shorebird abundances during fall and spring migration periods, although the dynamic pace of migration leads to considerable variation in the number of shorebirds recorded. Long-term monitoring may reveal changes in the value of the Giacomini Wetlands to shorebirds during migration as well as during winter.

Type of Document:

Technical Report

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Condeso, T. E., and J. P. Kelly. 2010. Update on shorebird use of the newly restored Giacomini wetlands: report prepared for the Point Reyes National Seashore. ACR Tech. Rpt. 89-4-5. Audubon Canyon Ranch Cypress Grove Research Center, P.O. Box 808, Marshall, CA 94940.